CodeFu – Netcetera’s coding competition in Macedonia

Winners attend Jazoon in Zürich

On 1 June 2014, the final round of the coding competition of this year’s CodeFu was held at City Hall Center in Skopje.

CodeFu is a coding competition for students and postgraduates organized by Netcetera in Skopje. The main competition consists of two online qualifying rounds and one on-site round. In addition to this competition, there are four seasonal CodeFu competitions, community competitions and a shortest solution competition where the shortest code wins.

After the two online qualifying rounds, the 32 best coders competed on-site to earn their bragging rights. The winner is Igor Petrovski. Petre Petrov won the second place and Evgenija Stevanoska the third. They all win a trip to Zürich and a conference pass for Jazoon.

Eight years after the first competition, the number of participants increased every year. In the first online round in 2014 alone, 120 coders competed. This shows that CodeFu is becoming ever more popular among the students.


Winners and judges of the CodeFu coding competition 2014(From left) Prof. Dr. Dimitar Trajanov (Jury Member and dean at FINKI University in Skopje), Igor Petrovski (CodeFu winner), Prof. Dr. Anastas Mishev (Jury Member and Vice Dean at FINKI University in Skopje), Evgenija Stevanoska (3rd place), Prof. Dr. Vladimir Trajkovikj (Jury Member and Vice Dean at FINKI University in Skopje), Peter Petrov (2nd Place), Alexsandar Nikov (Organisation team and Head of Software Engineering of Netcetera in Skopje)



Coders on your keyboards, get set, go!The popular CodeFu coding competition by Netcetera in Skopje already captivated thousands, since its inauguration in 2006.





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