Click to Pay: A new shopping experience with a simple, fast and convenient checkout

With more and more people shopping online, the digital payment landscape is evolving rapidly. Merchants and payment providers are continuously looking for ways to improve the customer experience and increase sales and conversion rates.

Click to Pay is designed to simplify the online checkout process and further secure shoppers’ personal information, whether this is associated with a credit, debit or prepaid card. Click to Pay is just what it sounds like, a one-click payment option that can be used on a mobile app, website or other digital channel. This checkout method relieves card holders from repeatedly entering payment card and shipping data throughout the checkout process and increases online shopping convenience with a simple one-click approach.

In this webinar we will answer some key questions about what Click to Pay is and how it works.

Watch this webinar to learn:

  • How issuers and merchants work together
  • How a simple but secure checkout is made possible
  • About the pros and cons of the various card enrollment formats
    • During shopping
    • On the landing page
    • Using Push Provisioning
  • How activation during shopping versus provisioning through card issuer is supported
  • About the components that are required to be integrated by merchants
  • About the components that are required to be integrated by issuers

Are you itching to know more about a specific topic?

Let us know and we will take it up in one of the webinars!