Mission-critical expertise

We have the skills to save you time, make you more efficient, and increase your market position.

Supporting you to level up your digital core

Whether we’re developing bespoke software or introducing an existing solution, we understand both your position and the needs of your end users. Our portfolio of expertise covers the skills required to combine cutting-edge software development with a balance of convenient user journeys and the requirements of privacy-driven environments.


With the increasing complexity and longevity of software systems, flexible software architecture is becoming more and more important. Our software engineers develop sustainable and flexible solutions together with architects, and attention to detail is therefore essential. If focusing on details, however, causes us to lose the bigger picture, we cannot look towards new developments. We support the engineers through our architecture and open-minded outlook, and it is thanks to this teamwork that we are able to increase our knowledge and pass on our experience.


Our consulting competence is based on comprehensive experience in technologies and industries: as notable market actor we supply various industries with mature, highly functional, customer-friendly and secure solutions and products. We accompany the realization of these solutions with professional consulting from strategy to implementation. In addition, we offer cross-sector, content driven consulting independent of a project or product implementation. We introduce our conceptual consulting expertise early in the value chain, so that the entire industry can develop sustainably and successfully – to the benefit of every market actor.

Information Security

Information security is an important cornerstone of virtually any software system. We therefore address it in our projects from the very start in the sales and offering process, during architectural design and software development up to hosting and operations. Our information security specialists support the whole project life cycle by elaborating security concepts and performing threat and risk analysis. In addition, they support the projects with consulting, reviews and security testing. This ensures adequate and water-tight security for any project, small to large. More about our INFOSEC offering.

IT Operations Management

Our IT Operations Management is an integral part of our software development. We operate individual applications as well as complete operating infrastructures according to the highest security standards (amongst others PCI-DSS certified) in our data centers. Our all-inclusive package includes consultancy, planning, implementation, 24/7 operation with application support help desk and on call emergency service.

Project Management

Our project managers are an integral part of our project teams and serve as the link between us and our clients. Through our expertise in agile project management, we ensure that the project or product benefits (earned value) envisioned by the client can be achieved within the time, budget, and resources agreed upon. The project managers are responsible for the overall planning, maintenance, and risk management, and also ensure optimum collaboration between employees, branches, and stakeholders.

Quality and testing

The financial impact of risks represented by quality mishaps justifies focus on the management of acceptance expectations and early, regular tracking of acceptance progress. Detecting mismatched expectations from either party early on, better allows for steering towards mutually agreed upon success. Our Quality and Testing Office supports the management of delivery expectations and the monitoring of acceptance progress during a project's acceptance phases. It also advises on company-wide quality-related best practices based on experience gained from project retrospectives.

Requirements Engineering

For developing a successful software solution it is crucial that the requirements are clearly defined and that all involved parties build up a common understanding. This enforces an intensive communication between all the stakeholders and the development team. Requirements need to be consolidated and conflicts resolved. Our team applies classical requirements engineering tasks like requirements elicitation, documentation and management, as well as leading the customer through the development phase using agile techniques like User Story Mapping and Backlog Management. User experience is important to us, so we closely work together with our UX and Frontend experts.

Technology portfolio

We offer a broad and comprehensive technology portfolio that we can apply for our products and customer projects. This is necessary, so that we have the technology with the best fit for the various challenges we encounter in our projects readily available. We actively manage our technology portfolio and aim to be always up-to-date and at the forefront. However, we also value sustainable and long-lasting technologies that are accepted by the industry worldwide and are based on open standards. In addition, we actively manage the decommissioning of old and outdated technology.

User Experience

All applications, no matter whether they are only intended for the customers of a company or for internal users, should be easy to understand, intuitive in use, and above all provide a positive experience. Our interaction design specialists ensure this with user centered design, interactive prototypes, user-friendliness tests, visual models (mockups), usability testing and the development of pattern libraries (Style Guide-driven Development). More about our User Experience Office...

Accessibility and inclusivity

By integrating accessibility into every stage of the design and development processes, we comply with standards and create superior user experiences. Engaging real users helps identify and address accessibility barriers, ensuring that software meets the diverse needs of all users.Inclusive design methods, considering a wide range of user abilities and iterative testing, enhance usability and accessibility. Our agile approach allows us to refine our solutions continuously, making them more intuitive and easier to use. More