Borderless train scheduling with pan-European Path Coordination System

RailNetEurope is a non-profit association whose aim is to enable fast and easy access to the European rail network. It works towards increasing the efficiency and quality of international rail traffic, and acts as a mediator between railway undertakers, infrastructure managers and end clients.

With Netcetera’s strong technology experience and domain expertise, we have been able to deliver on our mandate of facilitating easy access to rail networks in Europe. Netcetera’s solution, the new Path Coordination System and the Pathfinder that preceded it, make planning more efficient and coordination easier in a rail system that includes multiple partners spanning countries and regulatory regimes.

Máté Bak

Head of PCS at RNE

Harmonizing timetables to reconcile cross-border train schedules

Netcetera developed a solution that facilitates railway timetabling and scheduling across Europe’s borders involving multiple stakeholders and authorities. The centralized Path Coordination System (PCS) helps 650 users across 30 European countries to coordinate rail transport scheduling. It takes into account the diversity and social, cultural and regulatory differences of the countries it serves.

PCS builds on a collaboration started in 2002, when Netcetera delivered the initial Pathfinder solution. It refines the shared scheduling platform by introducing the Empty Envelope Concept. The model addresses overlapping, missing or doubled timetables, and helps partners better reconcile stations, times and time zones, operating days and other parameters. It ensures calendar consistency by avoiding overlapping days and creating more harmonisation at country borders.


to rail networks across Europe


in 30 countries to offer
a better customer experience


in planning routes,
infrastructure and timetables


of stations, times and different time zones,
and operating days

Are you facing similar issues? Contact our expert:

Oliver Aeschlimann

Portfolio Owner Smart Mobility

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