Wemlin's time to shine

Netcetera brings mobile travel assistant to the Apple Watch

The Swiss software company Netcetera has developed their first smartwatch app. Wemlin provides information on the nearest public transport stop and all upcoming departures right to the Apple Watch.

With Wemlin for the Apple Watch, Netcetera creates a practical assistant for public transport in Switzerland. The app determines the position of the smartwatch wearer and finds the nearest stops or stations. Upcoming departures are then displayed on the watch. For public transport networks offering real-time data, passengers can get an overview of the current traffic situation while on the go, without even taking their iPhone out of their pocket.

Wemlin is available for free download in the iTunes App Store. Those who have already installed Wemlin on their iPhone only need to link the new Apple Watch to their smartphone. A Wemlin version for Android smartwatches is under development and is expected to be available in the summer of 2015.

The Wemlin public transport information system from Netcetera

In addition to the application for the new Apple Watch, Wemlin Mobile is also available for iOS, Android and Windows smartphones, and delivers the departures for the selected transport network.

Netcetera developed Wemlin Tickets especially for transport companies. Passengers can use these Android and iOS apps across the majority of Switzerland's German-speaking public transport network to buy their tickets easily and securely in just two clicks. Baselland Transport AG (BLT) was the first provider to launch their «Tickets» app for Tarifverbund Nordwestschweiz (TNW) in August 2014. Since then, ticket sales have steadily increased and additional transport networks and companies in the regions of Lucerne, Freiburg, Bern, and St. Gallen have also decided to rely on Wemlin Tickets.

With Wemlin POS, Netcetera has created a public transport departure display that works not only at bus stops and train stations, but also in stores, restaurants, and offices. The web-based software runs on an Internet-capable screen, with Ostwind being the latest transit authority to use Wemlin POS.


Wemlin is available for free download in the iTunes App Store. Those who have already installed Wemlin on their iPhone only need to link the new Apple Watch to their smartphone.
Wemlin is available for free download in the iTunes App Store. Those who have already installed Wemlin on their iPhone only need to link the new Apple Watch to their smartphone.

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