Mastercard certified: Netcetera 3DS Server SaaS

Now ready for major card schemes

We have successfully completed the testing and certification with Mastercard for the Netcetera 3DS Server SaaS. This product currently in the last stages of development, is our latest addition to our 3-D Secure product portfolio. With certification for Diners, Visa and Mastercard, it is now ready for the major card schemes.

Future customers of the Netcetera 3DS Server SaaS will not need to do any certification to process Mastercard, Visa and Diners transactions. The 3DS Server SaaS from Netcetera ensures the smooth and reliable processing of card payments from a web shop. Payment Service Providers and Acquirers can easily integrate with the Netcetera 3DS Server SaaS to ensure that their web shops support strong authentication according regulation, offer a seamless cardholder experience and generate a larger number of transactions.

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