2nd provider with latest AMEX certification

Securing transactions with Netcetera ACS according to SafeKey 2.2

We are proud to announce that we have successfully completed the testing and certification for the latest protocol with American Express (AMEX). The Netcetera 3DS ACS is the second worldwide to receive the Letter of Approval for the American Express SafeKey® 2.2 certification. With certifications for the latest standards by AMEX, Visa and Mastercard, our ACS is ready for all major card networks.

Customers of the Netcetera 3DS ACS will not need to do any certification to process AMEX transactions according to 2.2 standards. Issuers and banks can easily integrate with the Netcetera 3DS ACS to support strong authentication according regulation, offer a seamless cardholder experience and increase the number of successful transactions.

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