Swisscanto Invest product platform

Publish fund information quickly & easily

Fund providers are required to publish all information on their funds for their investors online and as PDFs. As a result, Swisscanto Invest by the Zürcher Kantonalbank has to make thousands of documents available in four languages. We have developed the product platform Swisscanto Invest for this purpose. This platform compiles various document formats from different parties, sorts the contained data, augments it with additional information, and presents it on the website. This makes it possible to publish legally required information quickly, easily, and independently.

The new product platform processes thousands of documents. This allows Swisscanto Invest by the Zürcher Kantonalbank to publish all information on its funds that needs to be made public for investors in accordance with the law. The search function goes from the corporate website directly to the new product platform, searching various data sources. Users can quickly filter and sort results from over 2,000 funds.

The data for the platform is aggregated in the Zürcher Kantonalbank system and the documents are then delivered to Netcetera. The platform checks the files from various sources for errors, missing data, and differences from the previous files (approx. 20,000 references are processed in a couple of milliseconds). Errors are reported directly back to the responsible authorities at the Zürcher Kantonalbank. After a successful check, the platform compiles the information appropriately in the four national languages and displays them in a user-friendly format on the platform. The system also presents additional information on the individual funds and associated publications.

Thomas Best, product platform department head at the Zürcher Kantonalbank, says: "The new solution is very user-friendly and stable. It simplifies the publication of the prepared fund information tremendously."

This platform has replaced an application that's been in use for over 10 years. At the same time, we've linked the platform to the Zürcher Kantonalbank systems for stronger integration. The design was also adapted.

Swisscanto Invest corporate website with search fields to access the product platform.
The Swisscanto Invest product platform with the list of all the funds.
Fund details and graphs about performance created by the product platform.
Graphs with Portfolio information.

Talk to our expert

Markus Vaterlaus

Senior Project Manager & Consultant

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