Advancing the digital bank: Nøelse and Netcetera drive payment security forward

Afone, a French payment provider based in Angers has just launched an ambitious alternative banking project, Nøelse, which promises to change the way customers manage their money. In a previously analog market, Nøelse offers digital banking for individuals and companies with a focus on easy online access and European transactions. In order to support card-not-present transactions and protect against online fraud, they needed a solid ACS and 3DS server with top notch security. This is exactly what they found working with Netcetera.

“We were looking for a provider who could give us a solution tailored to our needs and Netcetera was exactly the right partner” says Guillaume Rousseau, CFO at Nøelse. Together, the two companies worked to create a 3DS platform supported by an ACS and implemented RiskShield, a highly configurable product from Netcetera’s partner INFORM, to evaluate transaction risk. In combination, these components provide end users with a smooth and secure online payment experience.

“Nøelse has created a bold project and we are very proud to contribute to shaping the future of banking through our great collaboration.” comments Benoit Ouinas, Digital Finance sales executive at Netcetera. “There are a lot of firsts in this project- our first combined 3DS Server and ACS solution plus our first important step onto the French market.” After a successful initial launch in France, Nøelse is also poised to enter the Spanish, Italian and German markets in 2022 for private and corporate customers. Says Rousseau “We are excited about the future prospects for Nøelse and curious to explore other markets”.


Talk to our expert

Benoit Ouinas

Sales Executive Digital Finance

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