Patient Data Viewer

Easy overview of patient documents

Per case and patient, it is not unusual that a large number of documents and other information artifacts build up. The overview of which information has relevance is not always easy for individual users.

The Patient Data Viewer enables this overview: the solution offers patient-centered access to all documents, images, audio files, and video files. This eliminates the tedious search and classification of relevant documents during treatment. An overall view of all available information greatly simplifies access for the users and facilitates their work.

Your advantages

Easy access to all documents in the context of the patient

Quick overview of the relevant documents of a patient, including preview and dispatch option

Very clear presentation of archived documents, such as images or audio files

Display in different scenarios, for example along a time series for a view of the most recent documents

The Patient Data Viewer can be called up directly from various applications. The state-of-the-art technology also allows integration into other applications.

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